Introducing The Precious People


I'm so excited to introduce the newest member of The Peaceful Press curriculum family. This new 30 week curriculum will have a similar flow as The Playful PIoneers but with The Precious People, we are taking a trip back in time, to the beginning of recorded history. Through Bible stories, historical fiction, nonfiction, and source quotes we will take a look at how ancient people lived, and through experiencing a few of the Jewish feasts, even how they celebrated. While the study of ancient history can sometimes be heavy for young children, we are working to keep it a little lighter with the book selections, while still providing an extensive independent reading list for parents and older learners.

While our other curriculum has been especially focused on learning we are loved, and learning to love learning, this study offers a sweet chance to add some character studies, through the lives of saints, Bible characters, and everyday people, as well as a weekly Aesop's Fable. While love is the principle thing, healthy habits make learning more peaceful and this curriculum offers projects and prompts to work towards healthy habits, while still promoting loving relationships.

As with The Playful Pioneers, you will find student sheets in print and cursive, illustrated copy work, art, history, science, timeline work, geography, practical skills, recipes, and more, making this a nearly complete curriculum. Just add math and phonics, grammar, or spelling.


The Precious People includes read aloud suggestions, copy work sheets, practical life skills, scripture readings, source quotes, science activities and more. We hope that this study doesn't just make you love learning more, but that it helps your family love more.